Kinder I Week of Class


We start the class with a song. In the file Head.doc we can find the lyrics of the song. In this song we mention the body parts: head, shoulder and feet.
When we finish singing, tell them that the central topic f this unit is our body. Remind the children that the human body is divided into 3 parts: head, trunk and limbs. Ask them to mention some of the most important parts of our body.

In this unit we are going to show the line tool. Before beginning to work with the template, I am going to let the students practice with the line tool. Remind them that to create a line we drag the mouse, and when we finish drawing it we make one “click” o holding down the mouse.

They will open the template Body.bmp. Explain them that we will see the line tool to point out body parts missing in the cartoon that our friend in Kid Pix made for us. The children can’t write so I am going to ask them how they will identify the missing parts. Guide them so their answer is using the stamps. Remind them that the way to search for more stamps options is in the Goodies Menu->Pick a Stamp Set.

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