Kinder I Week of Class


We start the class with a song. In the file Head.doc we can find the lyrics of the song. In this song we mention the body parts: head, shoulder and feet.
When we finish singing, tell them that the central topic f this unit is our body. Remind the children that the human body is divided into 3 parts: head, trunk and limbs. Ask them to mention some of the most important parts of our body.

In this unit we are going to show the line tool. Before beginning to work with the template, I am going to let the students practice with the line tool. Remind them that to create a line we drag the mouse, and when we finish drawing it we make one “click” o holding down the mouse.

They will open the template Body.bmp. Explain them that we will see the line tool to point out body parts missing in the cartoon that our friend in Kid Pix made for us. The children can’t write so I am going to ask them how they will identify the missing parts. Guide them so their answer is using the stamps. Remind them that the way to search for more stamps options is in the Goodies Menu->Pick a Stamp Set.

Pre-Kinder I Week of Class

How Many Kids?

Review the parts of the computer studied in the previous unit and their corresponding functions.

As in this, and in the followings classes, since the main idea of this unit is occupations and professions, I will be asking questions about the activities of their parents. Also ask them what they want to be when they are big... for this I will be using a musical topic making double click on the speaker's icon that was inserted like an object in the word processing documents:
I 'll like to be and I will like to be2

I will be using an old keyboard and along with the students will describe it (size, color, many or few keys, symbols, that has the key have, the longest key, the biggest, etc.) As they find the particularity, the group will go and locate it on their keyboard.
They will enter the program using the direct access icon of the graphic program. Explain to the class that the graphics can be different although in all of them we can paint, draw with different textures, stamp drawing and write.

Mr Diego's Blog

Hi everyone!!
This is going to be the Computer Class Blog.
I will be posting about the topics Pre-School kids, first, second and third grade see during class. Also any announcement I have to give to parents I will post it here (English&Spanish).
So I hope you enjoy your visit to the Computer Class Blog